Our Services
VoIP Service
Our voice service is based on voice over internet protocol (VOIP) technology, which provides high quality voice calls at affordable prices and is ideal for home and SMMEs. We provide voice service along with the following:
- VoIP Handset
- Prepaid Airtime
- Voice telephony service along with a number in the 010 range
- Broadband wireless data service
- 3G wireless router with Wi-Fi connectivity
Online Directory and Classified Ads
We provide online directory search services where anyone can search for formal and informal businesses in South Africa.
- Free Business Listing
- Advertising at Affordable Prices
- www.mzansisearch.com
ICT Consulting Services
HCN provides consulting services that enable clients to take advantage of developments in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector as a result of technological developments and the convergence of technologies. Our consultants are systems architects and engineers with extensive experience and expertise in telecommunications and broadcasting industry
HR & E-Procurement Software
Automate the entire supply chain process from raising requisition, approval workflow, sourcing of RFP/Q, receive delivery, and invoice receipt and verification. Plus supplier portal.
A gamified HR Intranet focusing on employee performance with tasks management, time sheet, attendance management and many more collaboration tools.
Why Choose Us
HCN is 100% black owned company with years of experience and expertise in telecommunications industry. We provide high quality voice calls at affordable prices. HCN service is prepaid, which allows the small business subscriber to control its costs and provide a certain level of predictability of spend. We also understand our customer needs and can translate those needs into technology solutions.
Our Response Time is:
- 24 hrs turn around
- Reliable
- Professional
— Company Managing Director, Julia Hope
Our Partners
Over and above our highly qualified personnel, we depend our our partners to ensure you get the best service.